Thursday, May 26, 2005

Googling to the Max

UC Berkeley handouts for Googling to the Max. Class Handouts for teaching web searching

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The Chronicle: 5/27/2005: Database Will Hold the Mirror Up to 'Hamlet,' With All Commentary on the Play

The Chronicle: 5/27/2005: Database Will Hold the Mirror Up to 'Hamlet,' With All Commentary on the Play: "About half of the group's work is available on a free Web site ( But readers won't find commentary for most of the play's most famous lines yet, because notes for the first half of the script have not yet been uploaded. The scholars hope to have notes for all 3,474 lines up in the next few months, at which point visitors can better discover the meaning of 'To be, or not to be,' among other passages.

The database is a high-tech advance in what literary scholars call a variorum, an edition with multiple versions and notes by editors and scholars about the work. 'The idea was you could collect everything that's ever been said' about a work, says Mr. Rasmussen. A printed variorum of Hamlet published in 1773 spanned 10 volumes, he says; by 1821 it had reached 21 volumes."

Monday, May 23, 2005 - Scholarly Journals' Premier Status Is Diluted by Web - Scholarly Journals' Premier Status Is Diluted by Web May 23, 2005. Subscription required.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Nivi : Greasemonkey will blow up business models (as well as your mind)

Wow! Nivi : Greasemonkey will blow up business models (as well as your mind): "Greasemonkey can integrate links to your local library’s card catalog right into Amazon."

Friday, May 13, 2005

Anonymity, free speech, and truth

Does anonymity aid the process of bringing truths to light or does it get in the way? Should people have a right to be anonymous?
Should Blogs be Anonymous?

More questions about anonymity.
How a Web site purporting to uncover fraud shook up the world of poetry contests
Newsweek Flap Spurs Debate over Sources

Google Help : Cheat Sheet

Thought Google was a "simple" search engine with little functionality? Think again. Homework: memorize the cheat sheet.
Google Help : Cheat Sheet

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Film Literature Index >> Home

Oh mamma! FLI from 1976-2001 is free online. (No, there's no full text you ingrates.) "The FLI Online contains citations from 1976 to 2001. As of now, there are no plans to update this online resource. The FLI Online is currently available free-of-charge." (Hat tip Priscilla Finley UNLV)Film Literature Index >> Home

Wikipedia: See 'Information,' 'Amazing,' 'Anarchy'

Philosopher Crispin Sartwell on Wikipedia.Wikipedia: See 'Information,' 'Amazing,' 'Anarchy'

CiteULike: A free online service to organise your academic papers

CiteULike: A free online service to organise your academic papers: "CiteULike is a free service to help academics to share, store, and organise the academic papers they are reading. When you see a paper on the web that interests you, you can click one button and have it added to your personal library. CiteULike automatically extracts the citation details, so there's no need to type them in yourself. It all works from within your web browser. There's no need to install any special software."

European Leaders Propose Digital Library to Counter Google Version

Europe says: "Google is evil! (But we'll leave the door open on collaboration of course.)" The fear that intellectual content must be digitized and available through google or else face invisibility may be good in that it motivates making more cultural products available through the web. European Leaders Propose Digital Library to Counter Google Version (latimes registration required

Visualize This

Library Journal - Visualize This: "Visualization tools provide a compact, browsable overview of the search results in the form of topical clusters, graphs, maps, or other devices that convey themes by how they group the results. Instead of scanning a list of results sequentially based on their importance as ranked by the search engine, we can now see what topics are represented in our results and select one or more topical subsets to further explore."

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Terry Eagleton on The artists' Wittgenstein

The artists' Wittgenstein: "Logical positivism was one response to the flatulence of Vienna. "

Monday, May 02, 2005

Aristotle is a hamburger

I was doing a search on the poet Rumi recently and came across this item in our catalog:

Principal Author: Rumi, Jallaludin
Title: Aristotle is a hamburger
Primary Material: Book

LOCATION: Reserve Desk - 3 Hour Loan
Call Number: 01
Status: Not Checked Out